🍿 Former les talents Ă  l’heure de l’IA - avec Clara Chappaz, Ministre dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©e au numĂ©rique

Participer Ă  l’évĂšnement
Jamie Wong

Jamie WongProductrice, investisseuse, entrepreneuse. Lauréate Emmy Awards
The Daily ShowAntler

  • À la une
  • Marque, Communication et RP


How to tell impactful stories

4,9(29)1 journée
  1. 1.

    Understand the key principles of great storytelling

  2. 2.

    Identify and showcase your unique value proposition to connect with people on an emotion level

  3. 3.

    Develop and present your stories with authenticity, transparency, and clarity

  4. 4.

    Boost your oral storytelling skills to leave a strong first impression, sell your ideas to all your stakeholders and create lasting impact

Crafting a compelling vision for your team

  1. 1.

    Take ownership of the vision

  2. 2.

    Communicate the vision applying the framework of storytelling

  3. 3.

    Embody the vision

À propos

Jamie Wong

Entrepreneur, TV Producer, Investor The Daily ShowAntler

Jamie wears multiple hats as an entrepreneur, writer, investor, and advisor, and has harnessed the power of storytelling to stand out of the crowd and drive actions. As General Partner at Antler France, she runs both the fund and the founder program, and is able to share her wealth of experience. Prior to this, she has founded and backed ventures including Vayable (an online travel marketplace supported by the Y-combinator) and Benefit Studios (a social impact startup studio). She was also a successful TV producer at The Daily Show with Jon Stewart where she won an Emmy Awards and made regular appearances on TV shows. She has received numerous awards and recognitions, including being named a Forbes "Up and Comer," one of Business Insider's "Top Founders to Watch". She holds an MSc in journalism from Columbia University.


Frédéric Mazzella

Frédéric Mazzella
Co-Founder of Blablacar and Captain Cause

Jamie is both a brilliant entrepreneur and an amazing storyteller which makes her the perfect trainer for startup founders!

Romain Libeau

Romain Libeau
CPO Swile

"The Framework around Hero and ordinary/new World is super helpful, I loved it!"

Vassily Carantino

Vassily Carantino
Co-Founder & CEO @CarbonFarm

Jamie is a master-storyteller who played an invaluable role in helping us create a compelling narrative for our fundraising. Her ability to distill complex ideas into a concise, engaging and ambitious story has been tremendously helpful. I highly recommend training with her!

Emilia McLaughlin

Emilia McLaughlin
Founder Kyron.bio

Jamie is able to break down highly complex solutions into compelling stories, allowing a broad audience to understand. If you want help re thinking how to pitch your product, Jamie is the person to work with!

Charlotte Allibert

Charlotte Allibert
DG and Co-founder of Librinova

Thanks to an extremely competent trainer I learned new techniques. The shared frameworks and small-group format enabled us to quickly apply what we learned during the session.

Caroline Roullet

Caroline Roullet
CMO VivaTech

Extremely satisfied with my Pollen session: a very experienced speaker, lots of very interesting exchanges with the other participants, easily reusable frameworks. I also particularly liked the fact that it was in English.

Mathilde Heroin

Mathilde Heroin
Global Senior Manager Retail Tech, Too Good to Go

I really appreciated the methodology shared, the live exercices in front of a small group, the key tips to use immediately after the day.

Prochaines sessions


Formation professionnelle : les questions qu’on nous pose souvent.

  • Pourquoi Pollen plutĂŽt qu'un autre organisme de formation professionnelle ?

    Parce que nous avons la conviction que la meilleure maniĂšre d’apprendre est de le faire aux cĂŽtĂ©s de professionnels qui sont passĂ©s par lĂ  avant vous. Les trainers Pollen sont des experts, en poste dans les plus belles entreprises en croissance de France et d'Europe. Ils partagent leurs mĂ©thodes de travail, ce qui a marchĂ© dans la vraie vie. Mais aussi leurs erreurs structurantes pour que vous ne perdiez pas de temps. Dans nos formations inter-entreprises, le reste du groupe est constituĂ© de pairs. Vous apprenez aussi de l’expĂ©rience des autres participants. Dans nos sessions privatisĂ©es nos trainers s’adaptent aux enjeux stratĂ©giques et problĂ©matiques rencontrĂ©es par vos Ă©quipes.

  • Ils sont reconnus comme Ă©tant les meilleurs experts opĂ©rationnels sur des compĂ©tences clĂ©s, pour aujourd’hui et pour demain. Ils ont tous au moins 7 ans d’expĂ©rience sur la thĂ©matique de leur formation et ont travaillĂ© dans plusieurs entreprises faisant rĂ©fĂ©rence dans leur domaine.
    L’équipe pĂ©dagogique Pollen sollicite les recommandations d’au moins 2 personnes ayant dĂ©jĂ  travaillĂ© directement avec eux puis rĂ©alise un premier entretien de screening.

  • Les formations sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement prises en charge par l’employeur. Les entreprises peuvent acheter des packs de crĂ©dits avec un tarif dĂ©gressif suivant le nombre de crĂ©dits achetĂ©s.

    Nous sommes un organisme de formation certifié Qualiopi ce qui vous permet de demander une prise en charge à vos OPCO.
    En savoir plus ici.

    Le financement par le CPF n’est pas prĂ©vu.

  • Les sessions Pollen mettent en application la mĂ©thodologie R.A.I.S.E dĂ©veloppĂ©e avec des experts en pĂ©dagogie active. Les trainers sont formĂ©s pour transmettre leurs connaissances en impliquant les learners. 80% du contenu est consacrĂ© Ă  des Ă©tudes de cas ou basĂ©e sur l’expĂ©rience des learners et du trainer, 20% est consacrĂ© Ă  la thĂ©orie. 50% du temps est consacrĂ© au partage du trainer, 50% aux retours d’expĂ©rience des trainers.