Formations - Marketing & Growth
- 4,9(31)
Jamie WongEntrepreneur, TV Producer, Investor
- 5(8)
IA & marketing digital
Dounia ZouineChief AI, Data and Monetization
- 4,8(38)
Prise de parole
Carole ZibiVP Marketing
- 4,8(28)
Growth marketing
Gwenn CharlotGlobal Acquisition Director
- 4,8(33)
Positionnement de marque
Marion de Robillard Global Marketing & Comms Director
- 4,8(37)
Jean-Marc Bouwynex VP go-to-market
- 4,8(18)
Media training
Sébastien CouasnonChief Community Officer
Marketplace Growth
Benjamin LauzierHead of Product, Supply
- 4,9(12)
GenAI & Communication
Adrien Fernandez BacaCEO
Personal branding
François DecauxSenior Client Solution Manager
- 5(7)
Relations médias
Hugo WeberVP Affaires Publiques
- 4,9(31)
B2B Product Marketing
Élodie ChampagnatCMO
- 4,3(4)
Stratégie CRM
Romain Morisset Head of CRM
- 4,4(8)
Attribution & performance marketing
Olivier JasminHead of Growth
- 4,8(5)
Rétention client
Morgan HilmiCo-fondateur et CEO
- 4,7(6)
International growth
Elizabeth ColeonCMO
- 4,8(14)
Brand-Led Growth
Julie TouyarotVP Growth & Strategy
- 4,9(30)
Data storytelling
Evelina ParrouData Storytelling & Design Expert
Retail Media
Pierrick JoliveauVice President Operations & Customer Success
- 4,8(5)
Jean-Eric Blas-ChâtelainGlobal Head of SEO
Trainers - Marketing & Growth
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