Vincent CotteDirector, Group Non Food E-Commerce

- Stratégie
- E-commerce
ExpĂ©rience client : comment mettre les retours utilisateurs au cĆur de lâentreprise
- 1.
Implémenter des boucles d'amélioration continue efficaces pour maximiser la performance et la satisfaction client
- 2.
Analyser et exploiter les retours clients pour adapter l'offre et l'expérience utilisateur
- 3.
Aligner les Ă©quipes internes sur lâimportance de l'expĂ©rience client
Déployer la méthode agile d'Amazon pour itérer rapidement
- 1.
Appliquer la méthode "Fail Fast" pour tester rapidement des hypothÚses business
- 2.
Structurer l'innovation de rupture avec l'approche PR-FAQ et le test & learn
- 3.
Systématiser l'analyse des échecs pour en tirer des apprentissages concrets
E-commerce : maßtriser sa stratégie marketplace
- 1.
Maximiser les ventes et créer une expérience omnicanal cohérente
- 2.
Comprendre les dynamiques du marché et les comportements des consommateurs pour adapter son offre et ses opérations en temps réel
- 3.
Développer une approche centrée sur le client
Ă propos
Vincent Cotte
Director, Group Non Food E-Commerce
Vincent Cotte is currently leading the worldwide Non Food E-Commerce at Carrefour, with the goal to grow sales and to create an omnichannel experience, and he has built an expertise in E-Commerce over the past 15 years, over a broad range of aspects and industries. He started by leading the technical E-Commerce of a then leading DIgital Video Games company, Gameloft; then moved to strategy consulting with A.T. Kearney, where he addressed Digital strategy projects among others. Then he spent 7 years with Amazon, in various roles in Customer Experience, Supply Chain and Business, both in France and the USA, where he led a 10-digits category. He came back to France to lead and transform the Marketplace at La Redoute, a French leader in Fashion and home, and grow this activity to 30% of the sales. He moved to Carrefour in 2021 to spearhead the E-Commerce strategy worldwide, before moving to Non Food E-Commerce.
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